Timboon P-12 School (DEECD)
Bailey Street, Timboon
area 410sqm
cost $550,000
completed 2006
award 2007 School Design

This project is located in Timboon, regional Western Victoria.

This new open-learning facility is designed to immerse students into their rural environment. The building is for year’s 5-8. A juxtaposition of materials, use of sunlight and shading allow this free-standing building to also serve to heighten students’ awareness of time, calendar and season.

This was the first in a string of projects to play with sciography.

Photos by Peter Bennetts

2012 feature on Archello
2008 feature on Imagine Inspirational School Design
2008 entry for the Australian Institute of Architects Awards
2008 article in AA Architecture Australia Katelin Butler, May/June pp.74-77
2005 included in Department of Education and Training Linking Pedagogy and Space as a flexible learning exemplar


2007 Timboon School Facility School Design Award


#buildingaslearningtool #box #tinshed #budgetexpressedasvolume #sciography #inflections #corangamiteshire #perceyeverett #australianarchitecture
