Infill South Melbourne
29 Emerald Hill Place, South Melbourne
area 145sqm
cost $350,000
completed 2002

Situated on the ‘Emerald Hill Estate’, this design addresses local council and heritage listing regulations. Disciplined planning and staged construction allowed the existing shop and dwelling to continue functioning throughout the construction process. The extension includes garage, common entry and shop services at ground floor; bedroom, store and bathroom at first floor; and living, laundry and courtyard at second floor. The laneway frontage, deceptively reads as a two-storey rear access.

Photos by Peter Bennetts

2011 published in Forty-Six Square Metres Of Land Doesnt Normally Become A House Stuart Harrison,
2004 featured in The Age Domain Claire Halliday, Wednesday 6th October
2004 entry for the Australian Institute of Architects Awards
2004 article in AR Architectural Review Australia Andrew Mackenzie, Issue 088
2003 contribution in Subaud Edition 2 pp.18

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